Political Action Committee (PAC)
OPEIU Local 8 Political Action Committee (PAC)
The Political Action Committee is a great way for Local 8 members to work together to be engaged in the political process in the communities we work and live in. From member education and getting out the vote, to direct action, lobbying our elected representatives and deciding which initiatives, issue campaigns and candidates to support, there are many ways members can make a difference. We welcome you to join us in person to on the phone at our next meeting. We usually meet on the first Tuesday of each month, but check the Local 8 Calendar to be sure.
The Local 8 Political Action Committee is made up of members who care about electing public officials who will support legislation that protects working families. We urge you to take a look at the reasons for becoming a PAC member below.
Click here for 2024 Endorsements from the 2024 WSLC annual COPE Convention.
Use the Elected Officials Guide to find the names and contact information of elected officials in your county.
Come to our meetings!
The Local 8 PAC meets at 6 pm on the first Tuesday of the month via conference call. All members are welcome to participate.
Make your contribution through payroll deductions. Click here to submit the PAC form.
Why Become a PAC Contributor?
Q. What is the Political Action Committee (PAC)?
A. The PAC is a group of OPEIU Local 8 members who make recommendations on contributions to be made to campaigns of labor-friendly political candidates.
Q. Can’t the Union just take the money from our dues and give it to candidates?
A. No! Union dues can’t be used for political contributions.
Q. Why do candidates need our money?
A. To pay for ads, mailers, yard signs and other campaign costs. OUR candidates — the ones who support working people — don’t usually get huge donations from business interests. We can make sure our voices are heard by helping to elect the candidates who support us.
Q. What have labor-endorsed candidates done for us?
A. The representatives we have helped to elect have passed legislation in our state for strong laws for Worker’s Comp; family leave and unemployment help; high minimum wage standards and more.
Q. What if I don’t give?
A. We stand to lose what we’ve gained over the years. Corporation-backed candidates want to erode the current laws that benefit working families.
Q. Who does Local 8 Political Action Committee (PAC) give to?
A. Candidates who believe in collective bargaining rights, who stand up to protect working families, and who work for affordable housing, child care, health care, good schools and other vital social safety nets. A portion of our funds also goes to the OPEIU VOTE (Voice of the Electorate) to support national candidates.
Q. Who decides how the money is spent?
A. Members of Local 8 who contribute and the PAC make recommendations. We talk to the Central and Washington State Labor Councils to find out which candidates are in trouble and need financial help. The PAC then comes up with a list of donation recommendations and it is brought to the Local 8 membership for approval.