Member Benefits
Member Benefits
- Local 8 Member Benefits Brochure (English)
- Local 8 Member Benefits Brochure (Spanish)
Benefits include (see below):- OPEIU Towing/Service Calls Benefit
- OPEIU Student Debt Reduction Program
- OPEIU Discount College Benefit
- OPEIU Insurance Benefits
- OPEIU Identity Protection
- AT&T Discount Offer
Local 8 Hardship Fund
- Union Plus summary of benefits
Local 8 Hardship Fund
Local 8 maintains a Hardship Fund which provides assistance to members who are experiencing an immediate, severe and temporary financial situation due to an emergency.
Find out more about the Hardship Fund, including how to apply for benefits and how to donate, at this link.
OPEIU Towing/Service Calls Benefit
Every OPEIU member in good standing (i.e. initiation fee paid in full) is entitled to two tows/service calls valued up to $100 ($80 reimbursement + $20 administration fee) each per year for themselves and family living in the same household. This service program is through Nation Safe Drivers (NSD) and all calls should be made to this company only. OPEIU is not responsible for reimbursing members for calls made to other towing services, so please call the NSD number provided.
OPEIU’s 24-hour Towing/Service Calls program includes:
• Free hook up and tow up to 15 miles
• Emergency roadside assistance
• Emergency lockout service
• Delivery of supplies
OPEIU Towing/Service Calls Benefit
For towing or service,
Call 1-800-617-2677
Producer Code: 74046 Plan Letter: B
If you have questions, call NSD Customer
Service at 1-800-338-2680.
Check out the new OPEIU App! Offered in Apple and Android formats, it’s available for free at your favorite app store. Download it today!
OPEIU Student Debt Reduction Program
Applications are now being accepted for the OPEIU Student Debt Reduction Program to help OPEIU members and associate members repay their student debt. The fund provides five awards of $2,500 each year to a member who has completed an associate or undergraduate degree and who can demonstrate they have at least $10,000 in student debt and their account is current.
The application deadline is June 28, so apply today. Click here for more information and an application.
OPEIU Discount College Benefit
OPEIU’s Discount College Benefit offers up to 50 percent discounted tuition rates and still applies to your federal grant awards to reduce your out-of-pocket costs even further. It provides flexibility and numerous options for union members and their families to further their education. Whether you are interested in pursuing an associate, bachelor’s or master’s degree, or are seeking to enhance your professional skills with undergraduate or graduate certificates, the program has a comprehensive range of more than 50 online degree programs and certificate offerings.
Explore the various opportunities available and learn more about the discounts offered, and complete an inquiry form at to be matched to a school and program you are interested in. You will then be connected to support services that will answer any questions you may have and help guide you through the application and enrollment process.
OPEIU Insurance Benefits
$2,000 Life Insurance Benefit /
$2,000 Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefit
As an OPEIU member, you are automatically enrolled. You become eligible after twelve (12) consecutive months of membership. A member’s good standing and eligibility for these benefits is forfeited if the member is more than two (2) months in arrears in dues during the fourteen-month (14-month) period prior to death, exclusive of the month of death. A member who is not on the active payroll due to leave, disability or other similar circumstances remains eligible only if the member keeps his/her dues payment current. Only active members are eligible for this benefit. Once retired, a member is no longer eligible. Provided by OPEIU International, these benefit claims will be paid by Amalgamated Life Insurance Company.
$3,500 Accidental Death & Dismemberment
As an OPEIU member, you are automatically enrolled. No need to do anything. Benefit claims will be paid by American Income Life Insurance. You may get letters from Local 8 on behalf of AIL from time to time, reminding you of the benefit. There will be a card enclosed. You do not have to send the card in or meet with an AIL representative to be covered by this benefit.
OPEIU Identity Protection
OPEIU members now have a defense against identity theft at no cost to you. The OPEIU has contracted with IdentityIQ to provide technical support to help prevent identity theft and help restore your identity if you become a victim. You must sign up to activate this free benefit at, 800-637-5680 or visit for more information.
AT&T Discount Offer
Through the UnionPlus Program union members are eligible to receive a $10 discount per line up to 5 lines on AT&T Unlimited Elite plan. Request proof of membership from OPEIU Local 8 and use FAN #3508840 at your local AT&T store or visit
OPEIU Scholarships
All OPEIU Local Unions, Guilds and Directly Affiliated Groups: Applications for the Howard Coughlin Memorial Scholarship and the John Kelly Labor Studies Scholarship are due March 31 each year. Please email all completed and signed applications to [email protected].
Applications for the Romeo Corbeil/Gilles Beauregard Scholarship are due April 30,2024. Please email completed applications to [email protected].

OPEIU Benefits Book
A reference guide for members
Updated March, 2019