Workplace Dashboard

Plymouth Housing

Your Union Rep

  • Conor Meara (he/him) (covers Facilities (maintenance techs, janitors, facilitators), Tenant Support Aides, On-call Residential Specialist, Simons Administrative staff (rental office, payee, portfolio coordinator), Scargo Lewiston, Simons Senior Apartments and Toft Terrace) | Phone: (206) 441-8880 ext 130 | Email: [email protected]
  • Shelby Mooney (she/her) (covers Almquist Place, Kristin Benson Place, Bertha Pitts Campbell Place, Blake House, Plymouth Crossing, Polymouth on First Hill, Humphrey House, Sylvia Odom Jr Place, Plymouth Place, Plymouth on Stewart and Williams) | Phone: (206) 441-8880 ext 117 | Email: [email protected]

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Local 8 represents over 9,000 members with over 80 different Union Contracts.