by Sally Mitchell | Sep 18, 2021 | Local 8 Journal, Local 8 Updates
Local 8’s Race, Equity and Social Justice (RESJ) Committee wants to help createpathways for our members to foster skills essential to personal and professionalgrowth. As part of this commitment, we are providing Robert’s Rules 101.
by OPEIU 8 | Sep 1, 2021 | Local 8 Journal
Washington State is the first in the nation to develop a way to make long-term care affordable for all workers in the state as we age. The Long-Term Services and Supports Trust Program (referred to as the “LTSS Program” or “WA Cares Fund”) is a new fund which will...
by OPEIU 8 | Sep 1, 2021 | Local 8 Journal
The source of our union’s strength is our members. Your membership and the membership of your colleagues demonstrates to management and policymakers alike that we are committed to standing together in unity to fight for higher wages, improved benefits and better...